
Unit 4: Special Subject Investigation for Creative Media Production

Unit code: M/601/8572     QCF Level: 5     Credit value: 15

This unit aims to enable learners to develop their knowledge and understanding of a chosen aspect of creative media production and their skills in researching and presenting an individual investigation.

• Unit abstract

The creative media sector provides a wide range of technical, professional and academic areas of interest for development.

This unit provides the opportunity for learners to identify a particular area of study or practice and develop a proposal and set specific objectives for investigation.

Learners will apply research skills to the identification and selection of materials and resources and present the results of this investigation in a way that suits the chosen subject and their own learning style.

They will review and evaluate their work considering improvements in learning and performance, the professional context of the work and the process by which the presentation is produced.

• Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit a learner will:

  1. Be able to present and justify planned proposals for investigations into creative media production

    Proposal: subject; methodology; identification of resources; identification of technologies; research plan; presentation, eg method, medium

    Justify: purpose; suitability, eg achievability, availability of research materials; vocational relevance

  2. Be able to research and select appropriate materials for investigations into creative media production

    Research: archives; libraries; internet; type, eg primary, secondary, qualitative, quantitative; research log; costs

    Select materials: evaluate suitability; establish currency; collate; select appropriate materials Investigation: develop investigation; apply technology; develop content, eg writing, video, audio, images; edit; review; revise

  3. Be able to present results of investigations into creative media production

    Present: technical accuracy; language skills, eg clarity, precision, vocabulary, register, grammar, punctuation; vocational context; format, eg printed dissertation, broadcast work, show reel, demonstration, website; referencing, eg Harvard, Modern Languages Association (MLA), Modern Humanities Research Association; acknowledgements     Belfast

  4. Be able to reflect on own performance and learning

    Performance: compare completed work with original proposal; quality of research; presentation of results, eg medium, format, style, effectiveness

    Learning: development of knowledge; development of understanding; development of skills; process, eg time management, research techniques

    Recommendations: planning for further development, eg career potential, application to projects and industry practice, vendor certification; alternative ideas, eg technology, subject

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit a learner will:

Assessment criteria for pass

The learner can:

LO1 Be able to present and justify planned proposals for investigations into creative media production

1.1 present a well focused proposal for an investigation into creative media production

1.2 present a comprehensive implementation plan for an investigation into creative media production

1.3 justify choice of subject for investigation

LO2 Be able to research and select appropriate materials for investigations into creative media production

2.1 carry out research for proposed investigation effectively

2.2 critically evaluate research material gathered

2.3 produce well developed results of an investigation into creative media production

LO3 Be able to present results of investigations into creative media production

3.1 present the results of an investigation into creative media production clearly and effectively

LO4 Be able to reflect on own performance and learning.

4.1 critically evaluate the presented investigation against the proposal

4.2 critically evaluate learning against agreed criteria and make recommendations for further development.

printable page


This War of Mine by 11 Bit Studios

TWoM has a different take on the war experience - you are not an elite soldier, you are trying to keep a group of civilians alive in a city under siege. Based on the situation in Sarajevo during the Bosnian war. 83 on Metacritic, available on Windows/Mac/Linux from Nov 2014. Released on iOS and Android July 2015 with PS4 and XboxOne slated for Jan 2016 release of The Little Ones - your group includes kids....

See also


Pirates of the Caribbean - The Black Pearl

Intro scene (fog) Lt. Norris, Mr Gibbs and a miniature Kiera Knightly find a survivor


Star Wars: The Old Republic - Knights of the Fallen Empire


Jamie F Y1 Warcraft (games franchise with film release June 2016)

Theo G Y1 Halo (games franchise) Hunt the Truth tumblr
O H Y1 Resident Evil (film franchise + games?)
Nathan H-W Y1 Doom (games franchise + 2005 Film)
Jeevan P Y1 Dark Souls (games franchise)
Aaron C Y2 Lord of the Rings (film franchise + games)
Owen C Y2 Transformers (film franchise + games?)
Dan H Y2 The Hobbit (film franchise + games?) corrigan
Joe R Y2 Elder Scrolls (20 year games franchise)

Example subject with links:
Pirates in an Adventure with Scientists/Band of Misfits

(US release name sometimes differs, as with "Philosopher's Stone" and George III type names)

Check Internet Movie DataBase imdb

VFX breakdown on YouTube and Vimeo

VLogs and Production Logs: Pirates Tumblr production log

Facebook pages often have 'in progress' updates, either 'official' or personal

Twitter accounts are great for 'in progress' updates - Peter Lord of Aardman posted greenscreen images and other production notes and has now put up over 1000 pics on Twitter

Review sites: (Pirates)

Tutorial sites will often break down scenes and encourage you to recreate them: 3DWorld StarWars


Also see: Box Trolls end credits, (+ making of talk at Google), Sky Captain, Sin City


Your presentation tools

OCR slideshow example

Prezi or

Microsoft PowerPoint / Apple Keynote

Create a Website / blog using Wix, WordPress, Tumblr, BlogSpot...

Word Document (not good for presenting clips)


more control over YouTube clips (not working for Prezi)

Edit YouTube clips online with or keepvid then download as mp4 and upload to Prezi (limit of 50MB) or upload to your own YouTube account and link from there.

For quick Web presentations from an iPad see Slate


Presentation skills:

Garr Reynolds presentation tips

Guy Kawasaki secular evangelist for Apple etc.


Copyright is automatic unless waived




British Board of Film Classification

Children's British Board of Film Classification

PEGI European age rating for games

ESRB US age rating for games


play dos games online and if you are ok with installing Java and

Issue 2 – July 2011 © Edexcel Limited 2011