Web Design (Intermediate/Advanced) T2022
iTQ Unit 82: Website Software level 3

Monday 18:00-21:00 from 18th January to 5th July 2010 with Jed Gibbs in
Room 177 at Totton College, Calmore Road, Southampton SO40 3ZX

Dreamweaver CS3, Photoshop CS3 and Flash CS3, on Windows XP (but Mac-friendly)

Download free fully-working 30 Day trial versions from Adobe (click the 'try' link)

Pugh.co.uk can supply a wide range of software including Dreamweaver CS4:

(check the Adobe collections if you are also interested in Photoshop and Flash). The software is fully working but there are restrictions on 'personal use' rather than for profit and usually no reduced price upgrade path, for example when CS5 is eventually released.

Alternative free open source software for Windows, Mac and Linux: nvu for Web design | GIMP alternative to Adobe Photoshop

5 alternatives to Photoshop (see comments for more, including Aviary from worth1000.com)

Dozens of books for CS3 or CS4 versions of Dreamweaver and Photoshop are available. A free Safari Books Online account will let you compare before buying, or you may decide as I did to subscribe to Safari. Follow a Safari link next to any book in the ad widgit below to get a free 10 day account. (If the slightly temperamental widgit is empty please refresh the page... )

PeachPit (Pearson Education)

Online video training is available from Adobe, Lynda.com, VTC and Total Training

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