Unit 09: Web Development    A/601/3245   PDF from OCR  IT Homepage   Live sites

    21st September 2016

    We start in Hu209 which is the Mac suite IN MEDIA next to theatre (NOT the Macs we have used before!)




7th September 2016

Introduction to the Cambridge Technicals OCR Level 2 IT Course. A look at the resources listed on this page.

Image optimisation: target image output; image bit depth; image resolution; image dimensions; image compression

http://www.shapeways.com and www.heroforge.com

8th September 2016

 *Set up your site on the iMacs for totton.org/IT         Live sites

A little of Kubo with its innovative blend of CGI, 3D-printed heads and stop-motion.

  • Three 'layers' of a Web page:

    1. HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language) provides the structural layer - containing headings and text plus a way to insert images, videos and sounds.
    2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) provide a presentational layer - positioning, enhancing and keeping the consistency of the pages across your Web site.
    3. JavaScript (padlet) (padlet formatting) provides a behavioural layer - adding interactivity with forms, animations, image swaps, mouse pointer effects, scrolling banners and much more.

9th September 2016

Adding links to your pages to make a site. Using Photoshop to create the graphics for buttons and rollovers.

14th September 2016

More on animating your graphics and buttons in Photoshop. Setting up your sites (again) this time on Windows PCs.  

Tutorial: introduction to Safeguarding and Prevent.

15th September

Working on your Web Development sites. Introduction to Unit 10 Computer Graphics

16th September link to YouTube

Embedding a movie clip from YouTube or a map from Google using iFrames:


HTML CSS JavaScript JQuery
  codecademy.com -
  sign up for free
Microsoft Virtual Academy Khan Academy | character lynda.com 10 days free

Gallery of CSS Web design ideas at csszengarden.com



cssloggia.com  and cssPlay

WordPress plug-in for CSS animation

Jed's introduction to WordPress Logo




Creating and using vent art favicon skull16x16 Favicons jednet favicon, the 16x16 pixel images used in the address bar and bookmarked favourites list.
Design a logotype or photographic image that will work as a tiny square, then upload a jpeg version and receive a zipped version in favicon.ico format, perhaps with an animated .gif variant for Firefox users (they will see the static .ico version otherwise). You can also create a larger icon that iPad and iPhone users can add to their home screen as a short cut to your Web site (it looks like an App).

   using FavIcon from Pics

favicon.co.uk for more information.


Range of Development Tools and resources

 notepad   Notepad++ | cheatsheet Microsoft's Visual Studio Code
BlueGriffon open source Adobe Dreamweaver    *Set up your site on totton.org
  jsfiddle.net | jsfiddle docs | tutorial Phaser HTML5 + CSS + JavaScript game development
Intro to JavaScript programming svg JSbin | Getting started
javascriptkit.com stackoverflow coders resource
Learn from 12 JavaScript Experts
washington.edu lessons washington ID and Class intro
    • Framesets seem to help navigation - why and how they are best avoided


useful snippets of CSS:

  1. Responsive images can resize to different screen sizes. Here is an example page. Simply paste this code into the <head> of your html document, or add it to your linked external CSS file to instantly make all the pictures on your page(s) scale down as needed for smaller screen sizes:
    img {
    max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;

  2. To centre a box you need to set margin to auto first: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_align.asp

  3. add a CSS background colour to your page:
    background-color:<style type="text/css">
    body {
    background-color: #33eeff;

(Each colour channel is described using 1 byte of information. Byte can contain 256 different values. So for 3 channels, it's: 256^3 = 16,777,216 = 16M
However, modern browsers support transparency - #AARRGGBB, by similar logic you get: 256^4 = 4,294,967,296 = 4G)




Legal and ethical considerations: legal (copyright, libel, defamation, British Board of Film Classification, Race Relations Act 1976 and later amendments, Obscene Publications Act 1959 (Internet Watch Foundation link) Wikipedia entry for Internet_Watch_Foundation and later amendments); ethical (decency, representation of social groups)






British Board of Film Classification

Children's British Board of Film Classification

PEGI European age rating for games

ESRB US age rating for games




play dos games online and if you are ok with installing Java java.playdosgamesonline.com