Learning Outcome 2:
Understand the fundamentals of a scripting language

Student submissions on totton.org/e/LO2a.html

P3 explain the fundamentals of a scripting language

Task 4: create a Web page called scripting.html

as a part of your site that will demonstrate to new Web designers certain aspects of CSS and JavaScript

  • scripting.html will explain the fundamentals of a scripting language. I strongly recommend that you choose JavaScript as this is the standard for the World Wide Web.

W3Tools intro to JavaScript

• client side scripting - languages, (e.g. JavaScript, VBScript).

M2 discuss effectiveness of using client-side scripting to improve functionality

Task 5: create a Web page called client-side.html

as a part of your site that will demonstrate to new Web designers certain aspects of CSS and JavaScript

• scripting language fundamentals

- uses, (e.g. dynamic and interactive content, form validation, browser detection, execute events, create cookies)

- syntax - variables - operators - objects and properties, (e.g. strings, arrays, date)

- methods, (e.g. open, write) - conditional statements, (e.g. if, if…else, if…else if…else, switch)

- message boxes, (e.g. alert, prompt, confirm)

- event handlers, (e.g. mouse events, keyboard events, onFocus, onBlur, onLoad, onUnload)

- functions - loops, (e.g. for, while, do…while, for…in)

- forms, (e.g. creating, validating).

• pros and cons of client-side scripting


• allows dynamic and interactive content (e.g. form validation, menus)

• faster execution than server-side scripts

• improved accessibility, (e.g. more user control).


• compatibility with browsers, (e.g. requires a substitute for browsers that do not support scripts)

• security.







Student submissions on totton.org/e/LO2a.html


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