For further information, contact Jed Gibbs MA by email:
13 Sep 2012 - Introduction to the course
Course specification. Basics of stopmotion animation using Boinx iStopmotion for Mac with examples from Jednet YouTube channel. UK DVD framerate is 25 frames per second, but we can halve the work by taking 2 photographs each time, known as 'shooting on twos'. Brief introduction to Flash. Links to Flash animations such as the 30-Second Bunny Theatre versions of famous films.
20 Sep 2012 - Simple animation
Creating Flipbooks, Zoetropes and Praxinoscopes. More examples at
Planning your stopmotion using storyboards. examples
Kraak & Smaak from WEAREWILL on Vimeo.
Moray McLaren - We Got Time from Blink on Vimeo.
Moray McLaren - We Got Time "Making Of" from Blink on Vimeo.
27 Sep 2012 - Creating Plasticine puppets
To reduce the risk that your characters fall over it is a good idea to keep them fairly squat, or even to animate them lying down... You may need to build them around a twisted wire armature. We watched an instructional video from Aardman on making bunnies for WereRabbit.
4 Oct 2012 - Cut Paper as an animation technique
If you lack confidence in your ability to draw or sculpt characters then you might want to try a system popularised by Terry Giliam while working with Monty Python.
Terry Gilliam - Storytime (1968) from O.C. on Vimeo.
11 Oct 2012 - Music videos on YouTube and Vimeo
Gotye commissions videos for his music in a wide range of styles including stop-motion and drawn. You can see them at their highest quality on his Vimeo channel.
While you should always put your own work up on since many people just find videos while there, the quality at
is higher and so it is worth getting a free account and uploading to Vimeo as well and there are many film-makers' groups to join.
Check out the mash-up Gotye has edited together fom fan videos for his hit Somebody that I used to Know.
Delta Heavy use stop-motion 'pixellation' techniques to destroy favourite toys for their video to Get By:
Brief introduction to Flash covering timeline, layers and shape tweening. Links to Flash animations
18 Oct 2012
Official college course feedback session - plus a reminder of resources on this Website and on iLearn
MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.
stopmotion grafitti animation
Kinetic typography examples for JoCo's Shop-Vac and Memphis May Fire's (rather loud) Prove Me Right
Stykz is a free stick-figure animation program for Macs and Windows pcs
25 Oct 2012 - staff training
1 Nov 2012 - half term
8 Nov 2012
Happy Christmas!
Terry Gilliam - The Christmas Card from MACAQUINS - CINEMA DE ANIMAÇÃO on Vimeo.
- Using a graphics tablet
Download free fully-working 30 Day trial versions from Adobe (click the 'try' link) can supply a wide range of software including Photoshop CS5:
- an 80% reduced student edition for students on qualifying courses (2 year degree courses or full-time secondary school)
- or teachers and non-qualifying students (this course) can buy an educational edition of Photoshop CS5
(check the Adobe collections if you are also interested in Illustrator, Dreamweaver and Flash). The software is fully working but there are restrictions on 'personal use' rather than for profit and usually no reduced price upgrade path, for example when CS6 is eventually released.
Alternative free open source software for Windows, Mac and Linux: GIMP alternative to Adobe Photoshop
5 alternatives to Photoshop (see comments for more, including Aviary from
Online video training is available from Adobe,, VTC and Total Training