10 x two hour sessions from 18:30 - 20:30hrs, starting Monday 13th January 2014 running to 17th March 2014
Also see course week by week guide
This is a 10 week course to develop beginner and intermediate Web Designers using Adobe Dreamweaver.
What are the Course Aims?
The course is intended for anyone who wants to create and maintain Web sites using Windows or Mac computers.
Where can it lead to?
Dreamweaver is the industry standard, ideal for anyone wanting to gain employment or design professional sites.
What will I study on this course?
Web design using Adobe Dreamweaver’s powerful features to create your own Websites, including:
Setting up your sites and linking your Web pages. Using the CSS templates. Tweaking the source code. Uploading.
Imagemaps provide more than one link from a single complex image such as a world map. Anchors and mailto links. Animating a gif banner or button using Photoshop, optimising for the Web.
Templates and Library Assets improve site consistency and faster site-wide modifications. CSS as an alternative.
Adding sound, Flash and Acrobat pdfs. Embedding YouTube and Vimeo video clips, or adding QuickTime movies.
Creating and using Favicons, the 16x16 pixel images used in the address bar and bookmarked favourites list.
Editing the Web-safe font lists. CSS @fontface expands cross-platform typeface options using Webfonts.
Introduction to WordPress, a useful alternative to Dreamweaver with many Web 2.0 features available without coding.
History of the internet and World Wide Web. Copyright and IP.
Are there any resources or materials required?
The software is installed on the college computers. For students wishing to do additional work from home free 30 day trials are available from Adobe. Student rates for the software are available and will be discussed on the course.
Are there any other costs?
Free basic Web hosting will be provided for the duration of the course together with advice on purchasing a domain name (.coms and .co.uk addresses are about £6 per year) and ongoing hosting (from free to expensive).
How will I be assessed?
No formal assessment. Help during the sessions & via email support. Totton College course completion certificate.
What are the entry requirements?
No previous experience required but some content may be challenging as the software is for professional-level use.
Contact us
For further information, contact Jed Gibbs MA by email: jgibbs@totton.ac.uk
Tel: (023) 80 874 874 • Fax: (023) 80 874 879
Web: www.totton.ac.uk • Email: info@totton.ac.uk
Awarding body: none Code:
Updated: 07/12/2011
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Have you visited our web site?
www.totton.ac.uk and fuller course details at www.jednet.co.uk