Go straight to this week's information:

10 x two hour sessions on Mondays from 18:30 - 20:30 in G219, Totton College, Calmore Road. SO40 3ZX
Starting 24th September 2012 and running to 3rd December 2012
For further information, contact Jed Gibbs MA by email: jgibbs@totton.ac.uk

Also see course information sheet & enrol at Totton College

An introduction to Web Design using Adobe Dreamweaver

Intended for anyone who wants to create and maintain Web sites using Windows or Mac computers. Dreamweaver is the industry standard for anyone wanting to gain employment or design professional sites. There are student discounts, monthly subscription options and 30 day free trials available. We will also look at some free open source alternatives.

       Monday 24th September 2012

       Monday 1st October 2012

       Monday 8th October 2012

Photoshop Idiot's Guide DOWNLOAD An Idiot’s Guide To Photoshop from MakeUseOf

       Monday 15th October 2012

       Monday 22nd October 2012

       Monday 29th October 2012

       Monday 5th November 2012

       Monday 12th November 2012

       Monday 19th November 2012

       Monday 26th November 2012

       Monday 3rd December 2012

Are there any resources or materials required?

The software is installed on the college computers. For students wishing to do additional work from home free 30 day trials are available from Adobe. Student rates for the software are available and will be discussed on the course.

Are there any other costs?

Free basic Web hosting will be provided for the duration of the course together with advice on purchasing a domain name (.coms and .co.uk addresses are about £6 per year) and ongoing hosting (from free to expensive).

How will I be assessed?

No formal assessment. Help during the sessions & via email support. Totton College course completion certificate.

What are the entry requirements?

No previous experience required but some content may be challenging as the software is for professional-level use.

Contact us

For further information, contact Jed Gibbs MA by email: jgibbs@totton.ac.uk

Tel: (023) 80 874 874 • Fax: (023) 80 874 879
Web: www.totton.ac.uk • Email: info@totton.ac.uk

Download free fully-working 30 Day trial versions from Adobe (click the 'try' link)

Pugh.co.uk can supply a wide range of software including Dreamweaver CS6:

(check the Adobe collections if you are also interested in Photoshop and Flash). Education software is fully working but there are restrictions on 'personal use' rather than for profit and usually no reduced price upgrade path, for example when CS7 is eventually released. Creative Cloud subscriptions will give updates as they are released, and some features 'previewed' before the next official release.

Blue Griffon  BlueGriffon is a free alternative to Dreamweaver released on May 10th 2012 that supports HTML5 and CSS3 - review, developer's YouTube examples, and Webfonts straight from a menu. Add-ons

Alternative free open source software for Windows, Mac and Linux: nvu for Web design | GIMP alternative to Adobe Photoshop

5 alternatives to Photoshop (see comments for more, including Aviary from worth1000.com)

Dozens of books for CS3, CS4 and CS5 versions of Dreamweaver and Photoshop are available. A free Safari Books Online account will let you compare before buying, or you may decide as I did to subscribe to Safari. Follow a Safari link next to any book in the ad widgit below to get a free 10 day account. (If the slightly temperamental widgit is empty please refresh the page... )

PeachPit (Pearson Education)

Online video training is available from Adobe, Lynda.com, VTC and Total Training

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